lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

The Facilities

Unit 731 was divided in eight divisions. Each division had a different purpose. there were divisions for productions, training, research, and equipment of medical and administrative units
The Unit 731 had a lot of buildings where they did their experiments and factories where they made chemicals. A portion of the remaining buildings have been preserved by the chinese as War Crime Museums, others are used by industrial concerns.

 It's a medical school that operated in Shinjuku, Tokyo during WWII. A nurse that worked back then informed that she helped burying corpses on the school ground's.

 This facility was operated by the Japanese Southern China Area Army. Known as Canton or Kwangchow. This installation conducted human experimentation in food and water deprivation as well as water-borne typhus.

Mukden POW camp
 According to Maj. Robert Peaty, a senior British officer at Mukden and a prisoner-of-war camp 350 miles from Pingfan, doctors from Unit 731 administered regular injections of infectious diseases, disguised as harmless vaccinations.

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